Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm thankful for......

It's almost thanksgiving. I remember when we used to go around the table & say what we were thankful for. It was always health or family. Not real original, but so true.

When Spike was in preschool they always asked each child what they were thankful for & then they put it all the answers next to the kids name on really cute(suitable for hanging)paper. Like adults most of their answers were family related.

I'm thankful for my Mom/Dad/Grandma/grandpa, ect. One answer stood out. I can't remember the little girls name but I do remember what she was thankful for. Pretty shoes. She was thankful for pretty shoes. It was the best answer on the whole page. And the most memorable too. I still remember her answer 14 years later. Spike & Queenie got the same things but I can't remember any of the answers on their papers.

Today I asked the Princess what she was thankful for & she said Scrapbooking. You know what? I'm thankful for scrapbooking too. I went to a crop the other night & I had a blast. I'm grateful that I can do that.

This Thursday please be thankful for your health & family but don't be afraid to be thankful for pretty shoes & scrapbooking too.

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